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Shibori With A Twist

arashi shibori pole wrapped

While waiting for a long weekend to come so I can make progress on the Diva panels, I am working on a couple of once dyed scarves in which I painted the second dye directly onto the fabric while it was wound with a twist on the poles. The dye mixture was pretty thick, maybe even too thick, but that is the process and joy of discovery!! I have just steamed the first piece, which was lavender with navy overdye, and am now steaming the turquoise piece, which was overdyed in forest green, as I am writing this. It only needs to steam for 15 - 20 minutes. Here are some pictures I took of the process:

shibori lavendar twist
navy overdye steamed

Shibori lavendar twist Navy overdye steamed

shibori turquoise twist
forest overdye steamed

Shibori turq twist Forest overdye steamed

This is my new steamer setup. It is excitingly easier to use than boiling water in a pot on a burner. It is also MUCH faster using the electric wallpaper steamer!!! The pipe sits on a trivet so the steam can go from the inside of the pipe to the outside of the pipe and steam the piece. A steamer of this type can steam continuously for 75 minutes, with no messiness.

Steamer in use

Soon I will be able to show you the finished pieces. They need to dry first and then will be taken off the poles to see the resulting patterns.

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