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Pimento Wings Of Isis Scarf

Pimento Wings of Isis Scarf

It's stunning and glamorous I must admit! I am the artist, though there is only so much I can claim to create, the rest of what the scarf becomes is up to it to tell me. I just have to give the fabric time to express itself, and recognize what is being communicated to me! These creations are not production pieces by any means. They sometimes need to sit for a while and breathe. I have several different kinds of forms to drape the scarf upon, and it's kinda funny how a piece "takes" to one or another form to express itself. The Pimento Wings of Isis Scarf did a couple of interesting things. One, it turned me onto the idea of untexturizing it's loose side a couple of inches or more to reveal a ruffle, since the ends were way too blunted, and the points missing. By the time of discovery, though, I had gotten too free with the iron and the piece then had to be totally reworked. I had rendered it hopeless, and had to untexturize the entire scarf and re baste it and pole wrap it again and discharge it again (the color was way too red anyways!) and dye it a third time.

future shibori ruffle design
removing basting stitches

Now I was all set to create it the way I really wanted it to become.

So I did the work to re create it, and astonishingly, the pimento color I was seeking revealed itself, and the points on the loose side revealed themselves!! I have been pondering over the ruffle idea ever since, but, the scar

design close up view

f says NO, and I do not want to rework it a third time and quite possibly destroy the entire experiment.

Pimento back view

So, remember that I said that the Pimento scarf did a couple of interesting things? Well, the second thing was, OMG, I am back to that ruffle again that I liked so well. I refuse to drop the idea, so, another experiment on another scarf is in the Shibori Vortex's emminent future~

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